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The Secrets of Hillsong: An Open Letter to the Director

To Carl Lentz, some people matter but most people are matter.

Hi Stacey.

Well… that was something. And it feels like the polite thing to do would be to ask what happened and be open to your perspective. But I’m tired. And I don’t want to. I respect your perception of Hillsong & the Lentzs the same way you I think you respect mine: I acknowledge that it exists and it’s valid to you, but I don’t actually give a fuck because it doesn’t jive with my narrative. And that’s fine. At this point, I think I might understand what happened to you more than you understand what happened to me or any of the former Hillsong NYC congregants that you spoke to. We’ve already lived through the part of the story where we were swayed by the charms of the Lentzs… nope, correction: the charms of Carl Lentz (on her own steam, Laura has never swayed anybody in the history of being swayed), but you haven’t gotten to the part where you’ll have to grapple with the reality of what damage you helped them do, with the best of intent. So that’s something to look forward to. Enjoy.

So many articles, journalists, directors, documentaries, outsiders – it’s hard to keep track of who was trying to sell what to us (and sell us to what) but yours was the spiritual abuse angle, right? You wanted to tell a story to help people understand the dark undertow of evangelicalism? Well… do you understand it now? That’s rhetorical. I know you don’t. Because it turns out that evangelicalism isn’t a thing. Not really. It’s just part of a costume worn by a religious amalgamation of capitalism, anti-Blackness, homophobia and misogyny.  

It’s a hat on a hat. It’s ridiculous. We know! A bunch of grown-ass adults hurt that their leader cheated on his wife? It’s so silly. And not at all what happened. We weren’t that kind of cult.

As I have said MANY times before: I think/feel about Carl and Laura’s marriage, the same way Carl did up until (at least) 2020: It does not concern me and I don’t care. Did he violate a standard of Christian morality? Yep. Were we surprised? Well… define “surprised.” You have the footage, so only you can confirm or deny for sure, but I’m pretty sure you asked that question and I’m pretty sure my answer was that when the news broke, I was surprised in the sense that I didn’t wake up expecting Carl Lentz’s downfall to happen that day, but I wasn’t surprised that it happened. And I wasn’t surprised infidelity was part of it. That’s surprisingly mundane for an evangelical preacher. I know there are people out there who were absolutely gobsmacked by it (bless their hearts), but that’s not my testimony. It could have been an interesting angle, though – an exploration of the statistics surrounding infidelity among evangelical leaders. You could have asked Carl what it felt like to preach purity culture to single adults and lifelong abstinence to those “struggling with same-sex attraction” while being unable/unwilling to temper his own sexual appetites. And then maybe asked him for his own true and current thoughts on purity culture and LGBTQIA affirmation. But that might have made things awkward for him, to either become unpalatable to the secular world by admitting that he is a regressive homophobe or fuck up his bag in the evangelical world by admitting that he’s not. Oof. Poor Carl.

This documentary was the one that was supposed to focus less on the salacious bits, to get underneath the surface. And I think you all really intended to, but I think you were arrogant. You knew the right things to say and maybe you even believed it on paper – “Cults can happen to anybody!” But secretly, maybe even to yourself, you thought we were stupid and the story would probably be pretty easy to untangle for someone not stupid. But surprise! Now you’re stupid too. And you don’t even have the fear of God to fall back on. You didn’t have to wrestle with whether or not Carl Lentz was God’s representative in your life, with wondering if disagreeing with him was disagreeing with the will of God, to grapple with what it said about God and God’s thoughts and plans for you if it was true that Carl platforming (and payrolling) one mediocre white man after another was just him doing exactly what God wanted. I don’t even know what there is to fall for about Carl Lentz minus the power of God. (Honestly, the fact that y’all got got in 2023, does make me feel a little better about being fooled a decade ago. We fell for Carl’s schtick at the height of his powers, y’all fell for the Party City Florida Man version. We are not the same. 😹) And in those first two episodes you did get close to maybe touching on those parts of it, but I might still be giving you too much benefit of the doubt. I thought you were leaving room for people to see for themselves how weaksauce his justifications were, but it’s possible you thought that was a slam dunk for him. The wealthy white man didn’t use his power to make any significant changes within the organization he ran, but he sure did run his mouth for the cameras and that’s gotta count for something. Right? Because if it doesn’t… what does that say about you? (And by “you”, I mean all the privileged people who had a hand in the production and saw bits of themselves in Carl Lentz.)

In the end, I believe you sympathized with all of us, but you empathized with Carl & Laura. And you got played. Or maybe you just got played. Maybe you hooked that big fish and then got dragged too far out to sea to find your way back. The devil is in the details and it’s possible that you let the Lentzs have too much say in the paperwork. Maybe you weren’t even allowed to ask obvious followup questions. Like…

When Laura Lentz said she lost everything, maybe you weren’t allowed to ask her to define “everything.” Maybe you weren’t allowed to ask her to define anything. It’s always “Was she fired from her job or did she resign?” And never WHAT WAS HER JOB? What did Laura Lentz do for/at Hillsong NYC? And this is not completely rhetorical, I’d really like to know. That could have been an interesting angle – not only did y’all breeze right on by her punching her nanny, you breezed by the fact that she had one. For what? WHAT WAS HER JOB? There could have been a whole episode on the roles of women in evangelicalism and the different ways all the baked in misogyny effects women (and men!) based on their class, age, race and marital status. You could have asked Laura what it was like to punch her nanny and then announce the next Sisterhood event. Or maybe you couldn’t. Maybe you were only allowed ask about how the Houstons hurt her feelings. Because that was the only new information they confirmed. And it was a snooze-fest. Is it sad that Laura was cast aside by her spiritual leaders? Yeah. RELATABLE CONTENT. You could have asked her and Carl how they handled things differently and better with the thousands under their care. (Spoiler alert: They didn’t. Not really. Carl & Laura got severance packages for their troubles, the Hillsong NYC flock just got severed for freeeeeeeeee.)

And speaking of that nanny, you could have asked Carl (or maybe you couldn’t) to define his understandings of power dynamics and consent and to account for the way he handled those things – not just in his situation, but in the MANY instances of violations that took place underneath him, on his watch. But that might have made things awkward for him moving forward in evangelicalism – it would have called out too many of his former and future peers, and it would have made him admit that he is not good with power and shouldn’t be trusted with it moving forward.

There were two quotes in the last episode that I think sum up this whole debacle and could have saved us all a lot of drama and rehashing of trauma if you had just started and ended with them. #1: Alex French said “I think Carl has paid for what he did.” And I think that must be nice. To decide actions that had no effect on you have been sufficiently neutralized. It is a gift of the audacity of white maleness: Carl said it, Alex believes it and that should be good enough for the rest of you. And it is. If we’re just talking about Carl’s marriage, 👏🏽 but 👏🏽 we 👏🏽 weren’t. That is not what we signed up for. If that had been the pitch, most of us would have politely declined. And if anybody rewatches the docuseries, I hope they pay attention to who had anything (good, bad or neutral) to say about Laura Lentz and/or the Lentz marriage and notice that it is pretty much just the Lentzs, their family and the talking heads – WE DON’T CARE. WE DON’T CARE. WE DON’T CARE and we never did. It was never about that. Carl Lentz was not a bad leader because he was a bad husband, he was a bad husband (and leader) because he was a bad person. And as far as I can tell, he still is. 

“These are the people that matter.” That’s the second quote and that was Carl re: the four people who share his last name. I have nothing to say about the Lentz kids, they were born and raised in this mess and will have to work out their evangelical trauma in their own time, just like the rest of us. It’s lucky for Carl and Laura that they are still young enough to fall under the banner of “Think of the children!” and it’s nice that Carl is. Now. And I don’t think he’s lying when he says those are the only people that matter to him, I just don’t understand how that’s not a red flag. Let’s pretend for a moment that his only faults and failures were how he handled his marriage. And that’s really what the rest of us were up in arms about and docuseries-level wounded over – we’re not in his family, we’re not people who matter to him, we were just thorns in his side, put there by evangelicalism. He was a good man, led astray by a powerful institution. So he cast all of that (and all of us) aside to focus on the family. Fine. And yet… he’s gone back to evangelicalism. He and Transformation Church are playing word games – he’s on staff, but not in ministry… he’s a… strategist? Based on… his success? In evangelicalism? The thing that drove him to hurt the only people that matter? So now he’s going to… advise them? On how to… strategize? On… marriage? Because it can’t be about evangelicalism, he botched that and nobody matters to him, so… WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

And that’s rhetorical, I already know the answer and I also don’t care. Evangelicalism is a scam and Carl Lentz is a scammer. Made by and for evangelicalism. It’s all he knows, and he’s too lazy and has tastes to expensive to learn a real skill and get a real job, so… Proverbs 26:11. 

And also Ecclesiastes 1:9. But not for every part of this story. I think this docuseries will be the last time for a long time, if ever, that ex-Hillsongers and/or exvangelicals trust outsiders with their stories. The religion is breaking apart and it’s institutions are hemorrhaging and a lot of us have long since stopped caring to try and stop the bleed. I won’t say it was a mistake to be part of this project because it’s not our fault that we believed what we were told only to be let down when the priorities of the powers-that-be shifted. (Been there, done that.) I certainly wish things had ended up differently, but now that we’re here… I am so proud of us. Not you, but the people you used to season Carl’s lil redemption fiction; the people who risked so much after already losing so much to share their stories in hopes that someone else would recognize the bullshit and get out. There has been a lot of frustration, a lot of angst and anger and tears over the editorial choices made in that last episode, but also a lot of laughter, a lot of commiseration and so much connection and reconnection. The thing you missed in making it all about the surface of the Lentz marriage, was the depth of the belief, the hope, the goodness that tied so many of us to that toxic institution for so long. It wasn’t belief in Carl, it for damn sure wasn’t belief in his mid-ass marriage, it was belief in being part of something bigger than ourselves that (we thought) was making the world better. And we still believe in that. But now I know there is nothing bigger than ourselves. 

Evangelicalism is all about numbers, numbers, numbers in its quest to be about “others” which sounds so noble, but… we are others. And we don’t need saving. We never did. I hope participating in this docuseries is the last evangelical misstep I make, (but it probably won’t be, the programming is strong) a bigger platform seemed like an effective way to get the truth out there, but an evangelical clown once said “The truth doesn’t go anywhere just because you cover it up.” and I’d like to add that it also doesn’t mean less just because it’s quieter. Not everyone wants to or is ready to deal with the toxicity of evangelicalism, but when they are, we’re out here. Finding our own ways to tell our stories and to heal. 

I appreciate you for the parts of the experience that made it possible for me to hug and spend time with people I usually only get to see in my DMs. I loved getting to see people I love looking AMAZING on TV.  And I love the continuous confirmations that we were right to abandon that ship and that Hillsong wasn’t right about any of us. I don’t know what final outcome you all settled on as the goal, but I hope you succeeded. Even if it was this exact travashamockery – after all that time, effort and money, I’m glad somebody was pleased! Congrats!

Anyway, life goes on and I imagine you’ve probably got a lot of emails and DMs and tags and text messages to catch up on, so… all the best. Good luck and godspeed.

xx janice

6 thoughts on “The Secrets of Hillsong: An Open Letter to the Director

  1. Thank you Janice. I couldn’t put into words what it felt like to watch the doc and then I read this. My family and I left staff and participation in Churchome 2 years ago. Looong story but everything you’ve posted and stand for resonates massively. Thank you!

  2. This is the perfect response to that trash of a documentary. While I didn’t attend Hillsong, I have attended evangelical church’s that are all the same. They proclaim to be family but are really scamming cults. The people that leave or are left behind are much more traumatized than the leaders who damaged them. I don’t give a **it about Carl and his family healing. I want to hear what they’re doing to help heal the thousands they hurt. That’s what I want from my former pastors as well. Those that no longer speak to me at best and threaten to physically hurt my family at worst, just because we saw through them and left their cult. There’s much more to expose in Evangelical Christianity, and I’m saddened that this documentary failed to do that. Lots of love for those of who spoke up in hopes of the truth being revealed!

  3. I felt the shallowness and pandering to get ppl to watch for the sex and partying. So let down with how very little they brought around to home base in the end.

  4. Yes! Janice! This is precisely what I was frustrated with and you articulated it so well, as you always do. This Shamumentary started with promise but definitely fell for the charm when they landed the big whale. I remember being in a room full of other American students at Hills in 2010 asking that man how I could move to NY and work for him for free. I’m glad that all the things that needed to fall into place to make it happen, didn’t. I took the girl out of Hillsong in 2013 but didn’t start to take it and everything it stood for out of me until the big alumni page shake up of October 2020. That’s when I found and started engaging with your content. Thank you for your ability to speak truth to power. It has helped so many of us.

  5. Jani Cat,

    Like WOW, where do I even begin….Initially, I was NOT going to watch this documentary OR the previous one, Hillsong: A Megachurch exposed, because I lived through it not only at Hillsong but also as a Worship Pastor/Director at C3 which my tenure there (as you are aware) was BRIEF due to the SEVERAL abusive/exploitive nuances that were (and still) are evident within BOTH of those religious institutions and ALLL religious institutions. I decided to watch BOTH documentaries to be in solidarity with the people who I grew to know and love like Yourself, A’janet, Abby, Ashley & Mary Jones, Nathan, Brandon Kress, Josh, Tiffany, etc…..This current documentary, The Secrets of Hillsong, was infuriatingly ridiculous at best and disappointingly enchanting at the least. I wasn’t expecting much change to be facilitated with this conversation being generated due to Carl’s “celebrity” status. I’ve been around enough celebrities/politicians/prominent people (familial and non-familial) to know that “the club will always protect those that belong to and within its club” which is a club that you and I and many others ARE NOT apart of nor in. To me, this documentary highlighted that the perpetrator was and is now the victim and the victim(s) aka former congregants are the ACTUAL perpetrators who really were just mindful zombies and useful idiots yearning to be Carl and Laura’s faithful groupies (sorry, I mean followers or did I mean to say congregants – yikes!!). Oh vay! For me, it was highlighting that everyone who previously attended Hillsong were DEEPLY enamored with Carl’s cool (more liked forced) enchanting swag while also being incapable of thinking for themselves without diving deep into showing and emphasizing the effects and impact that brainwashing, manipulation, control, sexual/workplace abuse, rape and exploitation does to a human being while attending a religious institution or practicing a religion….For me, it made it also appear and seem like the former congregants who were featured in this documentary were embattled with vengeance and unresolved bitterness coupled with a cocktail of cult-like unforgiveness. Le sigh…….It was also off-putting to me looking at the PDA-like images of Carl and Joel Houston together throughout the documentary ESPECIALLY knowing their perceived stance on LGBTQIA+ (whatever that stance actually is). For me, those images stood out because it was like of all the “best-friend” pictures that they could have chosen why are you inserting images in this film that look like both Carl and Joel Houston were secret lovers with strong PDA-like vibes? Was this something that the director/producers/etc wanted to subtly highlight to its viewers? IDK… was just something VERY OFF there to me….Other questions that popped up into my mind while watching this documentary were the following: Did Brian Houston ever inappropriately touch Carl? (most men will not admit if another man did that to them). Did Brian Houston ever inappropriately touch his own children or ANY children? Did Bobbie and Brian Houston have a private and mutually secret agreement that their marriage would be an open one between each other but a seemingly picture perfect one amongst the public? Are we supposed to now practice Stockholm Syndrome towards both Carl and Laura because Carl says that he was sexually abused by a family-friend when he was a child? (which by the way, sexually abusing or sexually assaulting or raping ANY child or ANY human is EXTREMELY repulsive and despicable). Is Carl and the rest of the past/current white male leaders at Hillsong closeted homosexuals or bi-sexuals? Are we supposed to pretend that Laura didn’t KNOW that Carl was “fooling” around during their entire marriage? Are we supposed to pin ALL of Carl’s toxic/unhealthy actions during his tenure at Hillsong (and even now) on the childhood sexual abuse that happened to him? Are we supposed to also pretend to not know that perhaps maybe their marriage was an open one and that Laura might have been OK with that? Are we supposed to be sad for Carl and Laura because they lost their HIGHLY LUXURIOUSLY materialistic and SELF-CENTERED and SELF-ABSORED lifestyle which DIDN’T consider others in the process? Are we supposed to be sad for Carl and Laura because of their lack of care, spiritual guidance, and immaturity
    towards and for those who were NOT within their perceived posh-elitist circle because this is what you were allegedly trained to do by the Houstons, so let’s just blame-shift and not take ANY responsibility for our actions/decisions at all? Are we supposed to truly believe that Laura allegedly worked at Hillsong?? #sorrynotsorry – I suppose that she did if she prayed over the prayer cards and monetary donations OCCASIONALLY and OCASSIONALLY spoke on Sisterhood days which were VERY FEW and FAR between. Are we supposed to believe that Laura’s parents DO NOT RECALL BEING DOUCHE-BAGS to those under their “spiritual” guidance and care while they too worked alongside the Houstons?? REALLY. And, are we REALLY to believe that your affair with Leona, the nanny was CONSENSUAL??? REALLY?!?!!!!! So VERY DISAPPOINTING because when he (Carl) said that while looking at the camera directly, I felt that that statement was categorically false. And, are we to pretend that you BOTH (Carl & Laura) were SUPPOSEDLY BIPOC and POC allies for those who attended Hillsong during your tenure there??? REALLY?! STOP with the Lies and Confusion please. STOPPPPPPP ITTTTT!!! Yes, we ALL have our opinions BUT please STOP IT and DO NOT MINIMIZE OR GASLIGHT our experiences that we went through which were indeed VERY REAL to ALL OF US INVOLVED!! Also, I understand and know the feeling of being sexually assaulted by men of ALL COLORS and it is VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, UNWELCOMED, and UNWARRANTED. You as the individual feel EXTREMELY violated and like you are the problem when in reality it was the PERPETRATOR that was (and is) the problem. It’s especially challenging when you are sexually abused and/or assaulted in a hierarchical business ESPECIALLY when you do not have the resources or finances to just immediately leave the toxic workplace because you have no other jobs lined up for you since the employer or colleague’s actions upon you happened to you unexpectedly and then repeatedly. So one is left in dire straits applying to jobs and interviewing in the hopes of landing a new job so that your well-being, lifestyle and basic needs for shelter/food are not jeopardized….LASTLY, For me, this documentary also highlighted that BOTH CARL AND LAURA HAVE NOT CHANGED AND MUCH HEALING IS NEEDED SO THAT THE ABUSE TOWARDS OTHER PARISHIONERS UNDER THEIR LEADERSHIP AND/OR CARE DOES NOT CONTINUE TO HAPPEN REPEATEDLY AGAIN!!! FOR CARL AND LAURA TO ALLEGEDLY HAVE THE SMITHS OF CHURCHOME AS THEIR ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS IS BOTH A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND INCREDULOUS. ALLEGEDLY, IN 2022, THE SMITHS (JUDAH AND CHELSEA) REHIRED A KNOWN RAPIST BACK ONTO STAFF AT CHURCHOME DESPITE THE PLETHORA OF INCRIMINATINGLY DAMMING EVIDENCE!!!!! AND, SPOILER ALERT DEAR READERS, TRANSFORMATION CHURCH IS HILLSONG CHURCH. CHURCHOME IS HILLSONG CHURCH. VOUS-DOO-DOO CHURCH IS HILLSONG CHURCH. ZOE CHURCH IS HILLSONG CHURCH. IT IS THE GOOD OLE BOYS LOOKING OUT FOR THE GOOD OLE BOYS!!! For me, this documentary highlighted that ALL RELIGIONS AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ARE CULTS. ALL RELIGIONS AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ARE DESIGNED TO CONTROL THE MIND. ALL RELIGIONS AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ARE AN EXTENSION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND LIKE A GOOD-OLD CORPORATION OPERATES AS A COMPANY NEEDING MONEY BECAUSE ALL RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ARE AN EXTENSION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN EVERY COUNTRY IN WHICH IT EXISTS…..For me, this documentary highlighted that NO ONE is going ANYWHERE practicing religion. And, no, I am NOT an atheist (again, that’s another type of religion so please folks don’t write to me about that and do some deep dive homework)…..With that expressed, I NOW have a spiritual understanding of my life and who I am and I pray and hope that others realize this as well. You do not need to practice a religion or have a “spiritual overlord” to know that you are a SOVEREIGN BEING who is VERY POWERFUL than you think and realize. You do not need to be apart of ANY religious institution to be a kind, comparing, loving, discerning, empathetic, wise human-being. Religions/religious institutions are creating more and more arseholes every day and THAT is something society can do without!! It is societal programming that we were born into that encourages the practice of religion and the attendance of a religious institution which also includes atheism…..I am aware of the spiritual presence that surrounds me because it resides within me and that my dear is something that is irreplaceable and unchangeable for me…..Peace and love to you and peace and love to everyone here! Xoxo, Amber

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